Elderberry / Currant Support Docs

Why Build Soil Health?
My fundamental reasons for persisting in building soil health and growing as much of our fruits and vegetables on such soils is explained well in the attached document, was introduced into the Congressional Record and printed by order of the Senate as Senate Document #264, in 1936 - yes, almost 80 years ago. It is one of my oldest sources I know of, of a conscientious MD (Charles Northen) studying human nutrition and tracing malnutrition to the lack of minerals (and therefore life) in the soil. 

Dr. Northen left his medical career to study soils and how to restore its mineral balance to restore mineral content and balance in crops as divinely deigned. He did this as a way to prevent premature degenerative diseases, the initial increase of which he witnessed in his clinic and which motivated him to do what he did. His bottom line was: "It is simpler to cure sick soils than sick people." Which shall WE choose?

I hope this article informs and motivates you to support healthy-soil farming among us and elsewhere: MODERN MIRACLE MEN, DR. CHARLES NORTHEN, WHO BUILDS UP HEALTH FROM THE GROUND UP

2018 Elderberry & Currant Nursery Stock 
Elderberry Varieties (Sambucus canadensis) 

  • Johns (1954, Nova Scotia) - Determinate, primal canes do not bear flowers or fruit (requires annual hand pruning)
  • Adams II (1926, New York)  - Indeterminate
  • Bob Gordon (1999, Missouri) - Determinate
  • Wyldewood-I (1995, Oklahoma) – Indeterminate
  • Ranch (1800s, Oklahoma) – Determinate

For terms and prices, please down load the linked sheet for more detailed info. 

Why Plant with MaxiPlugs?

1. Berry Communications’ unique MaxiPlug elderberry plants save you 1-2 years in production time compared to starting with cuttings. 

2. Our elderberry MaxiPlugs are capable of producing a substantial “baby crop” within 14-15 months of planting. Planting MaxiPlugs in early June can give you a harvestable crop by the following August-September. For pictures of how this works out in real life, study our early July 2013 elderberry planting and 2014 crop on http://minnesota-elderberry.coop/cultivation/planting-natura-farms/index.html.

3. Our MaxiPlugs can save you a lot of weeding. With closer planting (24”-36” in-row spacing) and extraordinary plant vigor, MaxiPlug elderberry plants start shading out annual weeds very early. Without enough light, weeds won’t germinate and can’t grow or at least are weakened and retarded. 

4. Our MaxiPlugs are grown in Purple Cow Organics activated Seed Started Mix (OMRI listed; www.PurpleCowOrganics.com) with naturally occurring beneficial microorganisms. We anticipate that some of this valuable soil life will also inoculate your fields and thus benefit the growing environment for your plants for many years. 

5. Our MaxiPlugs have a “maxi” root system, 5” deep, ready to explode in growth the moment they are set out into your moist fertile soil. 

6. Our elderberry MaxiPlugs are designed and grown by folks with berry experience on 3 continents and nearly 50 years of berry work in Minnesota. (Try us! You’ll like us! And our plants, and our help!) 

Have an elderberry question? We can help!

Download a pdf version of these six points.

© Berry Communications 2015