Dried American Elderberries 

Smell the difference! 
See the pages.

Bulk Frozen Native Elderberries-2023

While supplies last!

Dried Elderflowers: 2024 available NOW!

Bulk frozen 2024 harvest elderberries in 25 lb. packs: $130 + shipping.

Frozen raw Elderberry  Juice packed 2 gal.  jugs, $100 + shipping. 

Pre-order ability to supply 55 gal. drum holding 45-49 gal. of frozen  juice. Both packs are from certified organic American elderberries.

Large orders of certified organic and sustainably grown elderberries.

Welcome to berries selected from wild antiquity! 

We only sell what we grow in the USA: 
American elder flowers and berries
Because they taste better!
[Click here to read a journal article comparing European Sambucus nigra and native North American Sambucus nigra canadensis.]

MEC has access to a sufficiently diverse set of producing farms with significantly more acres to provide more dependable supply subject to the various issues that affect all agricultural production. We do our best to match buyers with local growers. Volume pricing (1500 lb. or more) at the point of storage for 2023 and 2024 harvest bulk frozen elderberries:

One of our partners is located where hurricane Helene’s devastation has hit the hardest in Appalachia. If you are looking for retail products like American elderberry syrup, syrup kits, sour mix or spreads, please check out Brew Naturals to help their business get through the coming months.


  • Sustainably grown American elderberries @ $2.50-3.50lb. 
  • Certified organic American elderberries @ $3.00-4.50/lb.
  • Pallet orders of bulk frozen organic juice @ $45/gal + freight
  • We are planning coop IQF processing capacity for American elderberry in the coming years. 

Being a native perennial, North American elderberry (Sambucus nigra canadensis) acts as a catalyst to better agricultural practices for many farmers. It can help revive rural economies and communities while providing nutrient dense flowers and berries that have healed humanity and the environment since earliest ages. It is a path to living in better harmony with the creation we call Nature. Growing native elder provides better pay for farm owners and labor as well as better health for people from many different ethnic traditions. 

Organized as an open cooperative, Midwest Elderberry Cooperative’s (MEC) network of 150+ small to mid-sized farmers, located across the USA from CA to VA, are our greatest resource. They go beyond the sharing of information towards solving common problems and challenges from the design of equipment and quality control processes to simply getting the berries or flowers picked and packed and delivered to hundreds of craft food and beverage producers. And that means we can run out of elder berries and flowers because we do not have enough growers and USA acreage cultivated with our native wild-selected cultivars. 

Our named cultivar American elderberries are wild selected. We just put them in a field so that they don't run away! We invest in the soil to bring your better, naturally nutrient dense native elderberry and elderflower ingredients - often certified organic and grown by farmers practicing regenerative agriculture


For health research on American elderberry please go to the Health tab.

To learn more about growing elderberry, please go to the Growers tab.

Click here to place consumer and smaller business orders online for available elder flower and berry products.

Click here to learn more about larger commercial orders for available elder flower and berry products.

Legal Disclaimer
The information posted on this web site represent the best efforts of the authors to express their views and perspectives on the cultivation, uses and potential benefits of elderberry consumption, but the information presented on this web site is not intended to constitute and should not be taken as any type of financial, nutritional, health, medical or legal advice.

First of all, we are only human and may be wrong when it comes to specific facts that someone might use in financial speculation, for example. Our methods of researching and understanding are founded on publicly available research dependant on the quality of the research team. It may turn out to be incomplete or wrong because medical research about health is very complex and constantly changing. 

Secondly, we are not in a position to and do not intend to offer guaranteed advice about the legal, health, business, farming or other material affairs of any person’s life. That is for each of us to decide and do responsibly for ourselves.

© 2020 Midwest Elderberry Cooperative